Category Archives: news

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Independence Day Hours and Services

Category:news Tags : 

Analytical Resources, LLC will be closed Thursday, July 4th for Independence Day, and will be operating with limited services Wednesday, July 3rd. If you have unique project requirements around the holiday, please contact your project manager or use our contact form here to make arrangements. No BOD samples will be accepted on Saturday, June 29th. No

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rows of metal baking sheets

Metals Analysis Method Changes-SW6010D and SW6020B

Category:method updates,news Tags : 

Analytical Resources Inc. is updating metal analysis methods 6010C and 6020A to 6010D and 6020B respectively to be current with the newest version of US EPA Hazardous Waste Test Methods / SW-846. These updates will only affect sample analysis and impose stricter QC (Quality Control) limits and additional QC checks which reflect improving analytical capabilities of the primary instrumentation. Specific changes for each method are briefly described below.  6010D and 6020B:  The limit for the Initial Calibration Blank (ICB), as well

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Soil TOC Analyzer

New Technology Highlight-Elementar TOC Cube

Category:news,technology Tags : 

Classic analysis methods for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) required extensive pre-analysis preparation including multiple drying steps, grinding, and acidification. With the purchase of the Elementar TOC Cube Analytical Resources is now able to analyze for TOC, Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC), and Residual Oxidizable Carbon (ROC) without all the time consuming preparation and still improve on

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WAC 170-300-0235 Safe Water Sources

Category:news Tags : 

With the adoption of WAC 170-300-0235 on May 27, 2017 all early learning providers in the State of Washington are required to test drinking water supplies for lead and copper every six years with the first test required within six months of the law becoming effective. Analytical Resources provides testing services for both metals and